Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Apa Persiapan Kita?

Assalamualaikum wb dan Salam Sejahtera,

Sahabat-sahabat yang dihormati, apa persiapan kita? Satu persoalan yang sering diutarakan atau bermain diminda setiap orang. Tidak kira la persiapan untuk menghadapi pekerjaan kita, masa depan kita dan bermacam-macam lagi.

Apa persiapan kita? Untuk diri sendiri, keluarga tercinta, ibu bapa yang semakin dimamah usia dan mungkin saudara-saudara kita.

Adakah apa yang kita ada sekarang cukup untuk menampung kehidupan kita 10 tahun @ 20 tahun akan datang? Ya betul..setiap orang akan berkata aku ada KWSP, pencen, duit didalam bank dan saham tapi cukupkah untuk kita, isteri, anak-anak dan mungkin ibu bapa kita!

Ada juga yang menjawab, aku masih bekerja dan bergaji besar mampu untuk menyara hidup diri, isteri dan anak-anak tapi apa akan jadi bila sudah tidak bekerja, tidak mampu bekerja...Bagaimana dengan persekolahan anak-anak, perubatan hospital, belanja rumah dan sebagainya....mampukah kita?

Fikirkanlah...dengan menyertai takaful mengikut kemampuan kita, kita akan sekurang-kurangnya akan menyediakan sejumlah wang untuk keperluan keluarga andai kata kita sudah tidak mampu kelak. 

Fikirkanlah....banyak penyakit kritikal yang datang secara tiba-tiba yang memerlukan kos ribuan malah puluhan ribu RM untuk satu-satu pembedahan. Mungkin bukan sekarang tetapi masanya hanya ALLAH yang tahu.

Fikirkanlah....tanpa  persediaan yang rapi kemungkinan cita-cita anak-anak kita tidak kesampaian. Yuran, perbelanjaan harian dan banyak lagi kos yang perlu ditanggung untuk persekolahan anak-anak kita diperingkat tinggi.

Oleh yang demikian, bersedialah dari sekarang. Dengan sedikit caruman ke takaful mungkin dapat membantu menyediakan masa depan yang lebih baik untuk keluarga.


Monday, May 25, 2009

Takaful Etiqa Warisan


* Pelan yang mempunyai kelebihan dari segi perlindungan dan simpanan.
* Pelan ini memberikan perlindungan jangka panjang sehingga ke usia 88 tahun.
* 3 pilihan tempoh sumbangan sehingga umur: 55, 60 atau 65 tahun.
* Had umur penyertaan:

Minimum - 6 bulan (tarikh lahir akan datang)

Maksimum - 55 tahun (tarikh lahir akan datang)

* Tempoh sijil:

Minimum - 33 tahun

Maksimum - 87 tahun

* Umur matang maksimum: 88 tahun
* Amaun sumbangan:

Minimum - RM50 sebulan

Maksimum - Tiada had


* Kematangan [ Semasa tamat tempoh kontrak yang disertai ]
* Keilatan Kekal Menyeluruh [ Sehingga umur 65 tahun ]
* Kematian [ Termasuk kematian atas sebab biasa atau kemalangan ]


1. Manfaat Kematian

i. Manfaat Kematian Biasa

Amaun Perlindungan + Jumlah Akaun Peserta + Mudharabah dari Akaun Peserta

ii. Manfaat Kematian Akibat Kemalangan

Sama seperti Kematian Biasa

2. Manfaat Keilatan Kekal Menyeluruh

i. Manfaat Keilatan Kekal Menyeluruh akibat penyakit (Sebelum umur 65 tahun)

Tahun Pertama 20% dari Amaun Perlindungan + Jumlah Akaun Peserta + Mudharabah dari Akaun Peserta
Tahun Kedua 40% dari Amaun Perlindungan
Tahun Ketiga 40% dari Amaun Perlindungan

Bayaran sumbangan dikecualikan sementara manfaat keilatan dilunaskan keseluruhannya.

ii. Manfaat Keilatan Kekal Menyeluruh akibat Kemalangan (Sebelum umur 65 tahun)

Sama seperti Keilatan Kekal Menyeluruh akibat sebab biasa

iii. Manfaat Keilatan Kekal Menyeluruh (Selepas umur 65 tahun)

Tiada manfaat dibayar

3. Manfaat Kematangan

Jumlah Akaun Peserta + Mudharabah dari Akaun Peserta + Lebihan dari Akaun Khas Peserta


Kesilapan 1 : Sentiasa menangguh untuk memulakan sistem perancangan.

Tidak syak lagi inilah kesilapan yang paling besar sekali. Tanyalah diri anda sendiri sudah berapa kali perkataan seperti Tak Apa, Nanti Dulu, Lepas Kahwin, Bila Anak Dah Besar, sering dijadikan alasan untuk tidak memulakan pelan kewangan seperti tabungan untuk pendidikan anak, insuran perubatan atau membuat temu-janji dengan perancang kewangan bagi membaikpulih pinjaman anda.

Kesilapan 2 : Gagal menetapkan matlamat kewangan dan cara mencapainya.

Kita sendiri sedar yang tiada orang yang merancang untuk gagal tetapi kebanyakannya gagal untuk merancang. Mungkin sibuk dengan pelbagai tugas dan tanggungjawab anda tidak mempunyai masa untuk menulis di atas kertas jawapan kepada soalan-soalan seperti :
i- Apakah 3 matlamat kewangan anda?
ii- Bila jangka masa pencapaiannya?
iii- Berapa yang perlu diperuntukkan setiap bulan?

Kesilapan 3 : Kekurangan disiplin untuk menabung secara sistematik.

Media massa sekarang ini dipenuhi dengan iklan dan propaganda bertujuan mengalakkan kita berbelanja lebih dari yang sepatutnya. Tetapi patutkah media massa dipersalahkan? Apakah ada sistem atau rahsia yang boleh menyelamatkan wang kita daripada lanun-lanun seperti kad kredit, jualan murah, desakan rakan sebaya dan gaya hidup serba glamer?

Kesilapan 4 : Kejahilan tentang konsep nilai masa (time value) wang.

Semua orang tahu pasal hutang kad kredit, hutang along dan hutang pinjaman perumahan yang seolah-olah tak pernah habis dibayar dan kalau dapat dibayar pun akan mengambil masa yang lama. Berdasarkan prinsip yang sama (iaitu konsep nilai mata wang) simpanan RM100 sebulan selama 20 tahun pada kadar faedah 10 peratus setahun (kadar kad kredit ialah 18 peratus) akan menghasilkan harta RM72000. Tetapi malangnya masih ramai yang lebih suka menyimpan dengan syarikat kad kredit dan sentiasa merungut tidak cukup wang.

Kesilapan 5 : Perlindungan Takaful/Insuran yang tidak mencukupi.

Apabila memulakan satu sistem simpanan untuk tujuan tertentu contohnya deposit pembelian rumah, tabung pendidikan anak, ada risiko yang boleh menyebabkan wang simpanan tersebut tiba-tiba hangus. Contohnya seperti belanja perubatan, hilang upaya bekerja , kemalangan. Bolehkah kita berserah kepada takdir semata-mata untuk memastikan matlamat kewangan kita tercapai?

Kesilapan 6 : Kegagalan menangani musuh wang yang utama iaitu inflasi

Bayangkan harga sebuku roti 10 tahun dari sekarang, atau segelas teh tarik. Kajian KWSP telah pun menunjukan bahawa duit simpanan yang diambil oleh pencarum sewaktu usia 55 tahun habis dalam jangka masa 3 tahun sahaja. Anda bagaimana, apa senjata yang ada untuk melawan inflasi, kanser kewangan nombor satu?

Kesilapan 7 : Keengganan menggunakan perkhidmatan penasihat kewangan bertauliah.

Kesilapan ini telah digunakan oleh pihak-pihak tertentu memperkenalkan skim cepat kaya, pembelian insuran/takaful dan unit trust yang tidak sesuai dan penggunaan wang KWSP yang tidak berpadanan dengan profil penyimpan. Semua orang tahu bila sakit harus jumpa doktor bukan peguam. Begitu juga kalau ada kes undang-undang jumpa peguam bukan doktor. Tidakkah logik untuk meminta khidmat nasihat seorang penasihat kewangan/perunding takaful bagi mengatasi dilemma pengurusan kewangan anda?

Wahai pembaca budiman, diharapkan anda sekarang tahu di mana kesilapan anda. Seterusnya saya cadangkan supaya anda betulkan sebarang kesilapan di atas dan ambil tindakan sama ada merancang sendiri atau membuat temu janji dengan seorang penasihat kewangan/perunding takaful bertauliah.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

FAQ on EtiQa Takaful

Who will be rebranded as Etiqa?

Malaysia National Insurance Berhad and Takaful Nasional Sdn Berhad will be rebranded to Etiqa Insurance Berhad and Etiqa Takaful Berhad, respectively. 

What about Mayban Takaful Berhad? 

Mayban Takaful Berhad (MTB) will transfer all its business, assets and liabilities to Takaful Nasional Sdn Berhad thus MTB will also be known as Etiqa Takaful Berhad.

Why did we adopt a single brand?

A brand audit was conducted when the merger first took place. During the audit, we were pleasantly surprised to find that each individual company had its own strengths and its own individual values. With this, there were also several different cultures. In order to unite all these, to personify our combined strength and values, research has shown that the coming together as one brand will make us stronger.

One brand name will allow us to structure our business focus more efficiently and effectively, building one master brand which is Etiqa.

The two legal entities, MNI & TN will be renamed as Etiqa Insurance Berhad and Etiqa Takaful Berhad. Etiqa Insurance Berhad will handle all conventional insurance whereas Etiqa Takaful will manage all takaful products and services.

Why Etiqa?

The name Etiqa was arrived at after much deliberation, many brainstorming sessions and a brand name competition. The name Etiqa is inspired by the English word “ethics” and the Malay word “etik”. When creating what our new brand should stand for, we arrived at the Brand Attributes ie,performing with conscience, working hand-in-hand, being crystal clear in all that we do and bringing a rock solid reputation. This is the character of our brand which is conveyed through the name Etiqa.

Is Etiqa a Government Linked Company? 

Etiqa is a joint venture between Malaysia's largest local bank, Maybank and Fortis International NV, a leading European financial services company with 70% & 30% equity respectively. Maybank in turn is part of the Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) Group. The staff force of the company very much reflects the racial index of Malaysia.

What do we stand for?

The attributes are traits and values that guides us to live up to our brand promise of "humanizing insurance"

Our Brand Attributes are: 
Hand in HandPerformance with ConscienceRock Solid and Crystal Clear.

Our Brand Personalities are: 
GenerousInclusiveGenuineCreative and Dynamic

Are we still a member of the Maybank group? 

Yes, we are still very much part of Maybank under the Insurance & Takaful sector. We are still very much a takaful and conventional insurance provider and our products will still be sold through Maybank

Are there any changes to the ways Insurance or Takaful products are purchased? 

Insurance & Takaful products are available via commercial channels ie Agents, Branches, Customer Service Centres, Maybank branches, ATM machines, and Etiqa Oneline (different products are available through different commercial channels)

How will Takaful products be affected? 

Takaful products will still maintain its Islamic Principles. The Shariah Committee will continue to ensure that the values of Takaful products are maintained.

How will Etiqa Insurance Berhad and Etiqa Takaful Berhad be differentiated? 

For product specific material ie proposal forms, product leaflet and policies, either the “Insurance” or “Takaful” descriptor will be used together with the logo to show the difference. As two separate legal entities, both Etiqa Insurance and Etiqa Takaful will comply with all Bank Negara Malaysia legal requirements, conventional insurance and takaful regulations and with the Shariah Committee.

Are all Etiqa Takaful Berhad’s policy certificate Shariah compliant in terms of the investments and coverage? 

Yes, all takaful certificates issued under Etiqa Takaful Berhad are Shariah Compliant as our insurance and takaful entities are separate. All takaful products are approved by Shariah Committee and Bank Negara Malaysia.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Product Etiqa Takaful

Pelan 1: Sarjana

Menyediakan tabung pendidikan kanak-kanak berserta perlindungan yang komprehensif untuk jangkamasa pertengahan dan panjang.
Manfaat Asas:
1) Matang                 2) Keilatan Kekal Menyeluruh  
3) Kematian             4) Anugerah Intelek
1. Had umur layak:          14 hari hingga 17 tahun
2. Tempoh kontrak:         5 tahun hingga 25 tahun
3. Umur matang:              13 hingga 25 tahun
4. Sumbangan minimum:  RM600.00 setahun (Pelan asas + top up rider)
5. Lat sumbangan:            Tahunan, setengah tahun, suku tahun dan tahunan
6. Perlindungan minima:   RM10,000.00
Jumlah perlindungan keseluruhan untuk juvana terhad hingga RM250,000.00 sahaja (Pelan asas+rider tambahan)

Manfaat Pembayar:
1. Pengecualian Sumbangan Pembayar (Payor Waiver Bebefit) : 6 bulan - 55 tahun
2. Kematian & Keilatan Akibat Kemalangan (Accident Death & Disability Benefit): 6 bulan - 60 tahun
3. Indeminiti Kemalangan (Accident Indemnity Rider): 18 - 55 tahun
4. Hospital (Hospital Benefit): 6 bulan - 55 tahun
5. Penyakit Kritikal (Critical Illness): 18 - 55 tahun
6. Rider Bertempoh (Term Rider): 6 bulan - 60 tahun
7. Pendapatan Keluarga (Family Income Benefit)  

Anugerah Intelek:
1. UPSR (5A): RM500.00
2. PMR (8A keatas): RM750.00
3. SPM (8 A keatas): RM1,000.00
4. STPM (5A keatas): RM1,000.00

Pelan 2: Mesra

Menyediakan perlindungan berserta simpanan untuk masa hadapan dan persaraan.
Manfaat Asas:
1) Matang                 2) Keilatan Kekal Menyeluruh  
3) Kematian                                          
1. Had umur layak:           6 bulan hingga 60 tahun
2. Tempoh kontrak:         5 tahun hingga 79 tahun
3. Umur matang:              80 tahun
4. Sumbangan minimum:  RM600.00 setahun (Pelan asas + top up rider)
5. Lat sumbangan:            Tahunan, setengah tahun, suku tahun dan tahunan
6. Perlindungan minima:   RM10,000.00
Jumlah perlindungan keseluruhan untuk juvana terhad hingga RM200,000.00 sahaja (Pelan asas+rider tambahan)

Rider Tambahan:
1. Pengecualian Sumbangan Pembayar (Payor Waiver Bebefit) : 6 bulan - 55 tahun
2. Kematian & Keilatan Akibat Kemalangan (Accident Death & Disability Benefit): 6 bulan - 60 tahun
3. Indeminiti Kemalangan (Accident Indemnity Rider): 18 - 55 tahun
4. Hospital (Hospital Benefit): 6 bulan - 55 tahun
5. Penyakit Kritikal (Critical Illness): 18 - 55 tahun
6. Rider Bertempoh (Term Rider): 6 bulan - 60 tahun
7. Takaful Medic Save Rider (Rider Takaful Medic Save): 30 hari - 59 tahun 

Pelan 3: Prima

Pelan perlindungan dan simpanan yang memenuhi kehendak semasa peserta.
Manfaat Asas:
1) Matang                 2) Keilatan Kekal Menyeluruh  
3) Kematian             4) Perolehan setiap 3 tahun    
1. Had umur layak:           6 bulan hingga 54 tahun
2. Tempoh kontrak:         18, 21, 24 dan 30 tahun
3. Umur matang:              84 tahun
4. Sumbangan minimum:  RM1,200.00 setahun (Pelan asas + top up rider)
5. Lat sumbangan:            Tahunan, setengah tahun, suku tahun dan tahunan
6. Perlindungan minima:   RM10,000.00
Jumlah perlindungan keseluruhan untuk juvana terhad hingga RM200,000.00 sahaja (Pelan asas+rider tambahan)

Rider Tambahan:
1. Pengecualian Sumbangan Pembayar (Payor Waiver Bebefit) : 6 bulan - 55 tahun
2. Kematian & Keilatan Akibat Kemalangan (Accident Death & Disability Benefit): 6 bulan - 60 tahun
3. Indeminiti Kemalangan (Accident Indemnity Rider): 18 - 55 tahun
4. Hospital (Hospital Benefit): 6 bulan - 55 tahun
5. Penyakit Kritikal (Critical Illness): 18 - 55 tahun
6. Rider Bertempoh (Term Rider): 6 bulan - 60 tahun
7. Takaful Medic Save Rider (Rider Takaful Medic Save): 30 hari - 59 tahun 

Medic-Save Rider Medical Card

Kad Perubatan (Medical Card) sentiasa ditunggu-tunggu. Menyediakan kemudahan hospital dan perubatan dengan hanya menunjukkan Kad ini.

Ringkasan Perlindungan:
1. Skop perlindungan:      Perlindungan manfaat hospital sepenuhnya. 
2. Umur penyertaan:        30 hari - 59 tahun (bekerja sepenuhnya)
3. Tempoh sijil:                 Mengikut pelan asas
4. Umur tamat sijil:           75 tahun
5. Kadar sumbangan:         Berdasarkan umur kemasukan, anak, dewasa dan matang
6. Manfaat:                        Pelan asas, manfaat lanjutan dan manfaat tambahan
7. Ciri-ciri istimewa:         6 pelan yang boleh dipilih          



Untuk pelan Etiqa Warisan pula, ia berbentuk pelan jika anda bersara wajib kelak ketika umur anda selepas 55 tahun . Pelan ini agak menyerupai KWSP @ EPF. Dalam polisi pelan ini peserta sebagi peserta hanya membayar sumbangan sehingga umur anda mencecah 55 tahun sahaja. Akan tetapi perlindungan ini tadi akan berterusan sehingga umur 88 tahun.

Namun bagi peserta yang yang berumur lewat 50-an, anda perlu membayar sumbangan untuk pelan ini tambahan 5 tahun ke atas. Mungkin sehingga umur 60, 65 tahun.

Yang menariknya bagi saya sebagai orang ejen. Ramai tertarik dengan pelan ini kerana dalam polisi pelan ini, ramai peserta menjadikan ia sebagai dana pencen dengan mengambilnya 10% setiap tahun. Ada juga menjadikan pelan ini sebagai dana pendidikan, perniagaan ataupun untuk menunaikan Umrah dan Haji.

Untuk penyertaan mana – mana pelan eTiQa Takaful Berhad, boleh dikurangkan dalam pembayaran CUKAI PENDAPATAN(LHDN).

Justeru itu akaun simpanan anda boleh dikeluarkan selepas 3 tahun. Pengeluaran dibenarkan 50% pada tahun ketiga dan 80% pada tahun ke empat, boleh mengeluarkan dari jumlah simpanan pada setiap tahun TANPA dikenakan sebarang caj seperti mana insurans konvensional.

Tetapi peserta dinasihatkan supaya terus menyimpan supaya simpanan dihari persaraan makin tinggi. Sekiranya peserta mahu menamatkan polisi ataupun surrender, semua akaun simpanan akan dipulangkan kepada peserta.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Takaful PA Plus

The Concept Of Takaful
Takaful is a mutual assistance scheme based on the spirit of brotherhood and solidarity where participants agree to assist each other financially over certain defined needs. With this intention in mind, participants pay their contributions on the basis of tabarru’ (donation) to the General Takaful Fund, managed by Etiqa Takaful Berhad.

When Having Enough Isn’t Enough
Life’s good and you’ve got a regular income. Enough to put a roof over your head, food on your table, clothes on your back, you know the rest. You may even have enough left over to put into the bank every month. Good, provided nothing bad were to happen.

Now, let’s say you were unable to work for that steady income. Accidents occur anywhere. Out on the streets, at the workplace, even at home. Basically, accidents can happen to anybody, even to you! Injuries and even death can result. As a consequence, things like medical treatment, doctors’ bills and hospital stays can prove to be very costly to you and your family.

Having a good personal accident scheme that can protect you in all aspects can make all the difference. It basically helps you to cope financially when you need it most. Introducing the Takaful PA Plus plan.

Takaful PA Plus is designed based on our customers’ feedback. We provide you with high Permanent Disablement Benefits including Disability Income and Recovery Benefits. Our Death Benefits offer double indemnity as well as additional Compassionate Cash to family members, and Repatriation Benefits.

With Takaful PA Plus, you can get all these benefits plus many more from as low as RM20.50 a month.

You, You & Your Spouse, You & Your Family
Our personal accident plan does not stop at just you, as we know that your loved ones are just as much a part of you. Choose from 3 schemes to cover you and everyone you love.

Myself & Spouse33.00348.50
Myself & Family41.00433.00

We Give You More Value And Convenience
Takaful PA Plus delivers more value and convenience to you with the following extra benefits:
Snatch Theft Injury Coverage
We go even further in ensuring you do not suffer more than you have to by paying for injuries sustained from snatch theft.
Free Coverage For Children
Under the Myself & Family scheme, there is no limit to the number of qualified children to be covered. Your contribution will not increase regardless of the number of qualified children added.
Coverage That Saves More Than Lives
Up to 50% savings when you apply for the Myself & Family scheme. About 20% special discount for the Myself & Spouse scheme. Up to additional 12% savings when you choose to pay in yearly contribution mode.
More Accepted Occupations
Your application will be easily accepted as we accept more occupations compared to other plans.
Hassle Free AutoDebit
Contributions can be automatically debited from your Maybank Account (Current/Savings/Credit Card) according to your choice of contribution mode, either monthly or yearly, free of charge.
Auto Credit Of Claims & Contribution Refund
Your claims or refunds of contribution are automatically credited into your Maybank Account (Current/Savings/Credit Card*) as authorised by you.
* For Premium Refund only if premium is paid via credit card.
On-The-Spot Policy Issuance
No waiting, just sign it, walk out the door with your policy contract and get immediate protection.
No Medical Examination Required
No trips to the doctor’s office, no needles and no pain.

More Guaranteed Assurance For You
Money Back Guarantee
We will give you a full refund if you are not satisfied within 30 days from your policy inception date. No questions asked.
Guaranteed Contribution and Renewal
Your contributions will never increase. As long as your contributions are paid, your policy is in force and renewal is guaranteed up to the age of 70.
24-Hour Protection Worldwide
No matter where you are, and at whatever time of the day, rest assured you will be protected by Takaful PA Plus.

Charitable Fund
At the end of each financial year, 20% of any profit arising in the General Takaful Fund attributable to this scheme will be donated to various charitable organisations for the purpose of Amal Jariah.

Takaful Persona Lady


Being a woman in today’s world can be a challenging experience. With Takaful PesonaLady by your side, you can breathe easy during your times of need and look forward to living a worry-free life.

Brought to you by Maybank, Takaful PesonaLady provides Personal Accident, female-related illnesses as well as crime protection benefits in a comprehensive plan. Takaful PesonaLady also offers extensive coverage for female cancers and ATM cash withdrawal losses whilst rewarding mothers who deliver twins or more. With affordable contribution rates and endless benefits, Takaful PesonaLady is the easiest way to a fruitful life for you and your loved ones.

What is Takaful?
Takaful is a mutual assistance scheme based on the spirit of brotherhood and solidarity where Participants agree to assist each other financially in case of predefined events taking place. With this intention in mind, Participants pay their contribution on the basis of ‘tabarru’ (donation) to the General Takaful Fund managed by Etiqa Takaful Berhad (ETB).

What will I enjoy with Takaful PesonaLady?
Features and benefits include:
  • Personal Accident coverage and protection against female-related illnesses and crime-related accidents and losses
  • Hassle-free participation
  • Easy and reliable contribution payment mode via auto debit
  • Flexible payment options of monthly or yearly contributions

    This is a yearly renewable certificate. Enjoy the freedom to pay Takaful PesonaLady’s contribution on a monthly or yearly basis.

    Age (Years)






    18 - 40



    41 - 60



    61 – 70*



    * Certificate renewal is applicable from age 61 up to 70, subject to our satisfaction of your state of health. Renewal contribution shall be based on the age band of 41 - 60.

    Contribution shall be based upon your attained age as of the effective date of Takaful, monthly or yearly renewal date of this certificate whichever is applicable.

    Contribution rates are not guaranteed and may increase or be varied by us upon renewal of the certificate based on:

  • Your attainment of age forty one (41) years old. Contribution applicable shall be amended on the next due monthly or yearly billing payment date; or
  • Our portfolio claims experience in this class of business.

    You will be advised at least thirty (30) days in advance, should your contribution payment amount be amended.

    Surplus Sharing
    At maturity, the surplus (if any) from the Fund will be shared between ETB and all eligible participants in the ratio of 50:50.

    Eligibility & Entry Age
    To be eligible, you must be a Malaysian Citizen or Permanent Resident of Malaysia, aged between 18 and 60 years. Certificate renewal is applicable up to a maximum age of 70, subject to our satisfaction of your state of health.

    Etiqa Takaful : Concepts Used

    “A scheme based on brotherhood, solidarity and mutual assistance which provides for mutual financial aids and assistance to the participants in case of need whereby the participants mutually agree to contribute for that purpose” – Section 2, Takaful Act 1984

    Mutual assistance 
    Participants mutually agree to assist each other financially in case of certain defined needs (as defined in the takaful contract) by contributing to a common fund. By jointly guaranteeing each other, the participants are in fact both the insurers as well as the insured at the same time. This is because they are the ones bearing the risks and not the takaful operator.

    Management of the fund and operation 
    The participants are not involved in the management of the company or the fund. The day-to-day operation is instead, is delegated to the takaful operator, Etiqa Takaful Berhad. Etiqa Takaful is responsible for selecting participants and to determine and collect the takaful contributions. In addition, Etiqa Takaful is also responsible for investing the fund and paying compensation to the entitled participants. The supervisory authority in Malaysia (i.e. Bank Negara Malaysia) requires Etiqa Takaful to put up a standby capital to ensure that the fund is solvent. This means that if the fund is not sufficient to meet its takaful obligations, Etiqa Takaful will provide an interest-free loan from the standby capital. This loan will be repaid by the fund from future surpluses of the fund.

    On the other hand, if at the end of each financial year, there is a surplus of income over liabilities in the fund, Etiqa Takaful can have a share of the surplus as a performance fee for successfully managing the fund.

    Segregation of funds
    It is a legal requirement that separate funds are set-up namely the Family Takaful Fund (for life insurance business), the General Takaful Fund (for general insurance business) and the Shareholders Fund. They have to be kept physically separated and distinct. 

    Basic Takaful contract 
    The contract to govern the relationship between the participants and the fund when the contribution is made is based on thetabarra’at contract (or a unilateral contract). As mentioned earlier,tabarru' makes the insurance transaction permissible from the Shariah perspective. This fundamentally changes the insurance contract, as it is the participants themselves who are carrying the risk and not the takaful operator. 

    Other contracts 
    From Syariah perspective, the relationship between the takaful operator and the participants has to be governed by a special contract. In the case of the Takaful scheme managed by Etiqa Takaful, this is established through the wakalah or agency contract. For the service rendered as the takaful operator Etiqa Takaful is thus entitled to payment from the fund in a form of a wakalah fee. Apart from managing the fund, the takaful operator is also responsible in the investment of the said fund and thus other Shariah compliant contracts such as wadiah or mudharabah contracts may also be used. 

    Takaful as a concept should be attractive because of the double benefits it can provide especially to Muslims. Firstly they get insurance cover that is halal (permissible) and secondly the satisfaction of doing a good deed (tabarru') at the same time. This is because many Muslims today are becoming more conscious of their religious obligations. In addition to the usual value propositions such as value for money products and excellent service, our value proposition to such clients also include Shariah compliance and tabarru'

    Takaful Medi Rider

    Life is full of uncertainties, but it is possible to be prepared for them. Now you can be assured of immediate medical care with Maybank’s Takaful MediRider. With it, you are not only covered in an emergency, you also have a choice of better treatment and greater peace of mind. Takaful MediRider is based on the takaful concept.

    Takaful MediRider is a medical rider that can be attached to selected Maybank individual or family takaful certificates. It offers a range of basic plans, which provide you with essential medical coverage. You have the option to add to that coverage with an extended plan, which means extra benefits during hospitalisation, such as added facilities and even the privacy of your own room so you can recover in comfort.

    You also receive a medical card that allows you hassle-free admission into panel hospitals and immediate medical attention. 

    For all these excellent benefits, you pay a highly affordable contribution that covers you up to age 75, which is among the longest coverage available.

    So take a step towards preventing unnecessary worries. Be assured of hassle-free hospitalisation with Takaful MediRider.

    With Takaful MediRider, you have a specially-designed protection scheme that gives you comprehensive medical coverage as well as these benefits:
    • All In-patient hospitalisation and surgical benefits
    • Emergency out-patient treatment benefits
    • Choice of extension of coverage
    • A medical card for hassle-free admission to panel hospitals
    • Affordable contribution rates on excellent benefits
    • Guaranteed renewable up to age 75

    Choice of Plans
    Takaful MediRider gives you a choice to take up an extended plan on top of the basic plan. You can choose from a range of Takaful MediRider basic plans to cover your fundamental medical needs and then opt to extend that coverage with a Takaful MediRider Plus plan. So not only are you covered for your basic medical needs, but you also have resources for extra benefits during hospitalisation.

    Contribution Table
    Annual Contribution for Takaful MediRider & Takaful MediRider Plus

    Attachable Takaful Certificates
    Currently, Takaful MediRider may be attached to Maybank’s Takaful Amal and Takaful Insan.

    You may take up Takaful MediRider as long as you are between the ages of 1 and 59 years old (next birthday). The maximum expiry age is 75 years old (next birthday).

    Payment Modes
    You may choose to pay monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually via Maybank Auto Debit or Credit Card.

    Takaful Insan

    Fulfilling Your Sense of Responsibility
    Everybody has responsibilities, whether it’s to yourself, your spouse, your children, or to society as a whole. Whatever responsibilities you take on, Takaful Insan can help you fulfil each and every one of them in the best possible way.

    What is Takaful Insan?
    Takaful Insan is a protection plan that provides your beneficiaries with a fixed and regular monthly income for 10 years in the event of Death, or to yourself in the event of Total Permanent Disability (TPD).

    How It Works? 
    With Takaful Insan, you’ll basically need to make 2 decisions based on the Table of Monthly Benefits. These decisions will determine how much you or your beneficiaries will receive.

    Decision 1:
    How much to contribute or contribution amount, i.e. RM100 or RM75 per month
    Decision 2:
    How long to contribute or period of Takaful, i.e. 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years

    Sample Benefit Illustration
    If, for example, you are 33 years of age and decide to make a monthly contribution of RM100 for a period of 25 years.

    Should you experience TPD during the Takaful period, you will receive a monthly income of RM1,150 for 10 years. In the event of your unfortunate demise during the Takaful period, your beneficiaries will receive RM1,150  a month for 10 years as illustrated in the following table: 

    Period of Takaful (years)
    31 - 351,0501,1001,1251,1501,150

    This way, you can be assured that your needs and the needs of your family are fully attended to.

    Why Takaful Insan?
    Takaful Insan is Syariah compliant. It is also based on Surplus Sharing principle. A portion of the surplus arising (if any) from the Fund will be shared with the participants and payable together with the Takaful benefits upon maturity or Death/TPD whichever comes earlier.

    Who is Eligible
    Participants whose entry age is from 18 years old to 50 years old on their next birthday
    Participant's maximum expiry age is 70 years old on their next birthday

    Takaful Concept
    Takaful is a mutual assistance scheme based on the spirit of brotherhood and solidarity where participants agree to assist each other financially in case predefined events take place. With this intention in mind, participants pay their contribution on the basis of tabarru’ (donation) to the Family Takaful Fund managed by Etiqa Takaful Berhad.

    Pengenalan Etiqa Takaful Maybank

    Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera

    Beringat sebelum kena, sediakan payung sebelum hujan, Inilah peribahasa yang mengambarkan kita perlu bersedia apa jua masalah yang mendatang tanpa menyusahkan diri dan orang lain. Selaras dengan tuntutan Islam dalam persediaan menghadapi sebarang musibah, eTiQa Takaful Berhad menawarkan skim simpanan berperlindungan Islam yang mana operasi kendaliannya dipantau oleh Majlis Pengawasan Syariah serta keuntungan perniagaannya dibahagikan secara Mudharabah dan juga perlaksanaan pembayaran zakat di dalam perniagaan.

    Manfaat Simpanan berperlindungan yang ditawarkan oleh eTiQa Takaful Berhad terdiri daripada tabungan pendidikan anak-anak dan simpanan berperlindungan individu yang merangkumi beberapa manfaat seperti dibawah :

    1. Manfaat kematian biasa dan kemalangan

    2. Manfaat Hospital

    3. Manfaat Bertempoh

    4. Manfaat Penyakit Kritikal

    5. Simpanan dan keuntungan Mudharabah.

    6. Pelaburan & Simpanan

    7. Perlindungan & Persaraan

    8. Kad Medikal

    Terdapat 4 pelan yang popular ditawarkan oleh Maybank Takaful Etiqa iaitu :

    1. Pelan eTiQa Takaful MESRA

    2. Pelan eTiQa Takaful SARJANA

    3. Pelan eTiQa Takaful PRIMA

    4. Pelan eTiQa Takaful WARISAN

    Terbaru yang ditawarkan oleh Insurans Etiqa ialah MEDICAL CARD yang menyediakan pelan perlindungan jika anda dimasukkan hospital. Yang menariknya disini ialah anda mempunyai manfaat dari segi pembayaran bil hospital, ubat ubatan dan juga pembedahan dimana-mana hospital SWASTA yang berdekatan.